Most Used Platform
Almost 30% of all websites in the world are build on Wordpress. That is by far more than any other web development platform. That is a conclusive vote of confidence.
SEO Optimized
Wordpress code is exceptionally clean and has functionality to make Search Engine Optimization easy. This makes Wordpress the preferred choice for SEO.
Build to Scale
There is almost no limit to how Wordpress can be used to custom develop your website project. Used for simple websites through to some of the biggest websites in the world.
Always Improving
Wordpress is constantly being updated and improved by an international open source community of web developers. All focused on cutting edge functionality and user experience.
Stable and Robust
Because Wordpress is so commonly used, is being constantly developed and updated, and has been around for so long, it is arguably the most reliable and robust website platform in the world.
User Friendly
The Wordpress content management system has been developed to be simple, clear and highly intuitive. Making updates quick and easy.